Thursday, January 7, 2010

Start thinking spring.

I cannot believe that I am starting to think of spring and gardening. It is COLD, COLD, COLD and the wind is blowing here in Nebraska. But, the seed catalogs are coming in, and I can't help but dream of warm sunny days in the garden.

Every year, I make a plan for a bigger garden, with the hope of increasing yields to provide more nutritious chemical free food for my family. This year is no different, as we plan to increase yields enough that we can store some for next winter. Last year we increased the size of our garden, and we are planning now to do a similar increase for next year.

I still cannot believe that I am thinking about it right now, as I look at the trees swaying and bending in the cold breeze.

We of course use the Aggrand Natural Fertilizer that we sell in our garden. Last year, the temperatures in spring and summer were very moderate by Nebraska standards. My tomato plants took a beating in the spring, and took a long time to recover. But with regular use of Aggrand, recover they did. We ended up with an abundant supply of tomatoes all at once. It was difficult to keep up with canning. Potatoes on the other hand were very plentiful. More than we ever have had in our garden.

Just think, if you don't plan now for your spring planting, you will be behind when it is time to plant. You will end up purchasing whatever chemical is on the shelves at the local store. Why would you use a chemical on your garden when an effective natural alternative is available.

Check out our website,, or the AGGRAND Website You will find an abundance of information to help with planning your garden.

Aggrand products are sold in quarts, 2 ½ gallon jugs, 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes.

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