Most of us have watched one of the popular
reality-TV shows involving fishing, mining, logging or trucking. Without fail,
there seems to be some dramatic mechanical failure that keeps us in suspense
during the commercial break. Failures involving hydraulic systems often happen
in cold temperatures. Many of us can sympathize with the guy on the show; he’s
shown lying under the equipment with no gloves on his hands, snow is falling
and his jacket is covered in oil. The drama provides great entertainment, but
also a great example of the significant time and money lost every year in
hydraulic equipment operated in cold temperatures.
So why do these guys always end up facing
hydraulic equipment failures in the middle of the winter? Most often it is due
to poor maintenance, poor startup procedures and continued use of a cheap
hydraulic fluid that gets too thick in cold temperatures.
Completing scheduled hydraulic system maintenance
throughout the year can significantly reduce cold-temperature downtime. Unfortunately,
tight schedules, remote job sites and the need to keep equipment running at all
costs can mean that badly worn hoses, leaky seals and other maintenance items
go unchanged for extended periods. The colder the ambient temperature gets the
more likely a catastrophic failure of one of these weak points will occur, and
poor-quality hydraulic oil may accelerate the failure.

Damage and wear can be caused by starving
the inlet side of the hydraulic pump (pump cavitation). This can occur during
cold weather when oil becomes so thick that the pump is unable to pull fluid
from the reservoir fast enough for continuous lubrication supply. Instead, the
pump pulls air, components become starved of lubricant and metal-to-metal
contact occurs. Overly thick oil also contributes to pressure spikes that blow
hoses, filters and other critical components.
To help prevent this condition, most equipment
manufacturers include hydraulic oil viscosity recommendations in their operator
manuals and will often recommend thinner oil for cold ambient temperatures.
This is one way to help solve the problem, but we all know that synthetic
lubricants provide a solution through higher viscosity index. High-viscosity-index
synthetic hydraulic fluids remain much more fluid in cold temperatures while
maintaining a protective layer of fluid in high temperatures. The higher the
VI, the less the fluid’s viscosity will change due to temperature fluctuations.
The importance of this can be
illustrated by comparing a cheap mineral oil with a high-VI synthetic hydraulic
oil. Both oils have the same thickness of 32 cSt at 40°C (ISO 32). But, the
synthetic hydraulic oil has a VI of 160 and the mineral-oil-based hydraulic
fluid has a VI of 90. When both oils are cooled to 10°F, the low-VI mineral oil
thickens much more than the high-VI synthetic oil. Even though the oils are
classified as having the same ISO viscosity, the high-VI synthetic oil will
flow much better at 10°F. This means better lubrication for the pump and less
chance of a pressure spike, damaging cavitation or blowing neglected weak
points in the system.
Bottom line: Fluids with a higher
viscosity index provide better protection in cold temperatures than fluids with
a lower viscosity index.
On the other end of the spectrum, hydraulic
oils need to fight varnish and sludge buildup most often associated with
high-temperature, high-pressure industrial environments. Not all hydraulic oils
are designed to provide effective resistance to varnish and sludge in these environments,
and varnish and sludge are directly responsible for sticking valves and other
operational issues. As temperatures increase, hydraulic oils thin out. In
excessive temperatures, some do not provide the required oil thickness to
adequately protect against wear. Additionally, oils not formulated correctly for
these extreme applications allow varnish to form after continual operation at
high temperatures, and sensitive operationally controlled valves begin to malfunction.
Just like motor oils, not all hydraulic oils are created equal, and that is
especially evident in cold-temperature applications.
AMSOIL synthetic hydraulic oils can greatly
reduce cold-weather problems. They also provide outstanding oxidation resistance
for longer fluid life and significantly better resistance to harmful varnish
that plagues many hydraulic systems operating in hot industrial environments.
AMSOIL has the hydraulic products to keep customers running smoothly in both
extreme cold and in hot industrial environments.
AMSOIL Synthetic Hydraulic Oil
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