Monday, November 2, 2009

Start planning your fertilizer needs now for the next year.

There's more to farming, gardening or landscaping than simply putting seeds in the ground and letting them grow. Those plants need nutrition, the soil needs to be balanced and you need to know how much AGGRAND fertilizers work for all of these different applications.

Nothing makes it clearer than a well-told story of "How it Works." AGGRAND News, a quarterly publication designed to give you in-depth insight into what type of AGGRAND fertilizer to use and how to apply it, is available online at in the "Articles" section of the website. For access to all articles, call Mike at 877-760-9048 or 402-499-4301 email and ask for specific information on your crops.

You'll find an archive of AGGRAND News articles back to 2001. Most issues include testimonial stories of how Dealers and customers apply AGGRAND fertilizers. You'll also find helpful growing tips and general horticulture information. Take advantage of this valuable resource to easily understand and see the benefits and outcomes others have with AGGRAND fertilizers.


Start planning now for 2010. This is an excellent time to apply Aggrand Natural Fertilizer 4-3-3 before the grasses go dormant. This late application on your hay or alfalfa will give them an early boost in the spring. This is also an ideal time to apply Aggrand to your winter wheat crops to really get good stand establishment.


Feel free to contact Mike for information. 402-499-4301, 877-760-9048

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